Sunday, September 12, 2010

Road Map .. where the heck am I going, anyway?

I've been thinking a lot about the things that I would do if I didn't have any restrictions. And that is when I became aware of how many fences there are in my world. The initial list of obstacles has titles like this: Time, Finances, Anxiety, Physical Limitations, Responsibilities / Obligations, Reputation / Pride, and Lack of Knowledge. Wow .. that is a big list, huh? It was actually easier for me to list my excuses to NOT to things that it was to identify what in the world I would be doing if I had no boundaries. Friends, I must admit ... this revelation was startling and disturbing to me.

So, what to do about that? Hmm .. well .. the first thing I did was realize that I needed to quit focusing on road blocks and come up with a list of 'travel plans' first. I'm not talking about the cliche 'bucket list'. I'm thinking about MY GOALS for the present. I realized that I don't even know what I WANT! That's shocking .. really.

So far, my list of goals seems mild. I'm very aware that some of the things on this list would not seem like a big deal to most people. They are, however, goals that would have various degrees of significance to me.

1) Learn to roller skate. (without breaking any bones)
2) Ride a horse. (and enjoy it)
3) Print and display my family photos in a creative way.
4) Publish a book (I have so many ideas ...)
5) Finish my college degree (only 18 credit hours to go ...)
6) Find a 40's - 60's travel trailer and USE IT.
7) Learn to tat.
8) Learn to Swing Dance

Even the very writing of this list was difficult, because I kept finding myself tempted to add 'to-do' list things, such as "Be a better housekeeper", "Get healthier", "Be more patient" or "Finally organize all the paperwork for the office".

When I actually examine my little list though, I realized that most of these things I want to do involve LEARNING. They aren't really about what kind of person I'd like to become, or habits that I'd like to break, or things I hope to teach my children. They aren't monumental goals. In fact, they are all pretty obtainable now that I'm looking at the list.

I'm sure that the list will transform over time. And as I reach these goals, I'm sure that new ones will develop. Today, the first step in my plan is to post these things in my house .. where I will see them every day. I'm hoping that doing so will make me increasingly aware of opportunities to accomplish these tasks and skills.

So now I'm eager to hear from my friends .. what are YOUR goals? Not so much the earth shattering crazy huge bucket list kind of things. Not "to-do" kinds of chores. But some real, obtainable, concrete things that would knock down a fence or two that has grown around you. Things that would enrich your experience right now. It wasn't easy for me to identify what I want to accomplish ... but I'm hoping that this challenge to take a look will inspire and encourage you toward something wonderful and fulfilling.
