Wednesday, January 2, 2013


A few days ago, I asked Clara if she was excited about the new year.  Her reply was direct.  “Not really.  It’s like when I have a birthday and everyone says  ‘Do you feel any older’?   That’s kind of a silly thing to say, isn’t it?"

Then she asked why people get so wound up about New Year’s Eve anyway.   

Me: “Well, it’s nice to have a fresh start”. 
Clara:  “A fresh start for what?”
Me:  “It’s a time to think about how things went last year, and decide if you want to make any changes for the coming year.”
Clara:  “What kind of changes?”
Me:  “Well, I like to learn from my mistakes.  So I spend a little time remembering the good and the bad things about last year.  Sometimes that helps me figure out what I should try differently or learn to do better.  Then I make a list of what I’d like to change.  That’s called making  “New Year’s Resolutions.”
Clara:  “Why don’t you just do that all the time.  I mean, if I can’t figure out something at school, I have to keep trying until I figure it out NOW.  Because there will be a test in like, a week.”
Me:  “What I meant was that it’s a traditional time for people to make GOALS.”
Clara:  “What kind of goals?”
Me:  “The kind of goals that are like promises to myself to try harder to making healthier choices, or get organized, to learn something new, or to spend more time with friends. “
Clara: “If that what it means, I think people should make REVOLUTIONS every day”.

I think that there is something fabulous about the fact that she said REVOLUTION instead of resolution.  It makes me think of that children’s song that everyone knows.  (Forgive me in advance, because it is likely to be stuck in your head for days now.)  

Can you see the analogy?

Put your hand (or foot, head, whole body.) IN (jump in and TRY something)
Take your hand OUT (evaluate how that’s working for you)
Put your hand IN  (try again .. maybe you need more time or practice)
And shake it all about.  (or maybe you need to try a whole new approach.  shake off the old …)
Do the hokey pokey (be silly and lighthearted.  don’t worry about how you look)
And turn yourself about (make adjustments if necessary, reset yourself)
That’s what it’s all about! 

The more you think about it, it’s pretty good advice for life, huh? 

I admit, my list of resolutions has traditionally been pretty lofty, and I don't have a great track record for reaching the LONG list of goals that I have made for myself in past years.  This year, I think I’m going to make revolutions instead.  I still have a list of things I’d like to work on.  But instead of making a list as long as my arm and feeling like I’m not accomplishing anything, I’ll try to keep the ‘big picture’ in mind and do a version of the “hokey pokey” on a daily basis instead. 

Here are the things I’m resolved to spin around until I reach my goals (or get dizzy trying)

  • 1)       Making healthier choices every day
  • 2)       Scheduling more time to enjoy with family and friends
  • 3)       Reducing clutter
  • 4)       Making CREATIVITY a higher priority
  • 5)       Communicating more effectively 

How about you?  What are you inspired to do differently … starting TODAY?